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Way The Crow Flies

What Will You Consciously Create?

What Will You Consciously Create?


Seer and Intuitive Guide

Way The Crow Flies is the direct route between two points.

Welcome, I'm Deborah. You've found me. It means you are ready to bridge the distance between where you are and where you want to be. 

As a Seer, I connect these two places for you.

I use my unique intuitive abilities to guide you through the three components of spiritual evolution:

1. Clear - Clearing blocks on your path that keep you from knowing who you truly are

2. Connect - Connecting you with your theme of exploration and the essence of who you really are

3. Create - Now it's time for you to consciously create your life

What Will You Consciously Create?



Personal Readings

1 Hour | $200

Answers to specific questions and guidance on your issues in the areas of health, relationships, wealth and business.

Individualized Programs

Inquire For Pricing

When you need a clear path forward, a Way The Crow Flies Program is the direct route.

Programs are tailored to meet specific physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Individualized programs are a fit for those desiring clarity, structure, depth, and support.

You Are Not Alone. You Have Found Me.



"I have been doing regular sessions with Deborah for almost 10 years now. We have worked on every topic imaginable from health and spiritual wellness, dating and relationships, career and finances, and even my pets! I leave my sessions feeling inspired and excited about consciously creating my life. I trust the purity of Deborah's guidance and know she will be there to shine a light as I travel my journey."

- Jenilee, Houston, TX

"I had come to Deborah seeking reprieve from the pain of losing my life partner. My introduction to Deborah was a serendipitous experience that occurred through the testimony of a friend. Deborah is uncommonly gifted and has the ability to navigate energy fields which transmuted my deep pain into healing. She has acquired a great deal of knowledge through studious efforts which she has coupled together with her innate abilities. Deborah customized a program specifically designed for my needs and it was professional, effective, results orientated, and deliberate."

- Shane, Lloydminster, AB

"I first met Deborah in 2009. I was having some physical issues that main stream treatments were not helping. After a couple of sessions with Deborah, I began to feel a huge weight lift off my shoulders and the issues I was having were significantly better. One of the results was more clarity in my life and an overall sense of peace. I felt my energy shift over several sessions helping me physically as well as move forward on my spiritual path. Deborah has been blessed with an incredible gift that she has mastered and continues to master. She is an amazing teacher and guide and has been mentoring me ever since.  Namaste Deborah"

- Corinne, Calgary, AB

"I just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you as you have created balance and inner peace for me - physcially, spiritually, and energetically. Coming to see you I had no expectations, but left feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. You have an amazing gift of knowing and understanding what people need. I would not hesitate to refer friends, family, and clients to you."

- Rena, Calgary, AB

“I now see the world with different eyes and know what it feels to have an open heart. Deborah helped me through times of great personal challenge and I have a new understanding of myself and the world. I have had regular sessions with Deborah over the past few years and my life has completely transformed. She has cleared a path for me to begin driving my own journey. She identifies my energetic restrictions bringing them into my consciousness so I can clear them off my path. Each session with Deborah is transformational and I always leave with a golden nugget of knowledge and wisdom!

- Cammie, London, United Kingdom



Way The Crow Flies

Calgary, Canada

Seer and Intuitive Guide


   By purchasing a Way The Crow Flies (WTCF) phone or in person consultation(s) you agree that your consultation is for educational and informational purposes only. Information you receive does not constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. WTCF are not medical practitioners and do not offer medical advice, diagnose, treat or prescribe medications. Choices and/or actions based on the content of your consultation(s) are your responsibility. Do not take the advice given in any consultation(s) in lieu of medical, legal, or professional advice. 

    You acknowledge you are participating voluntarily in your WTCF consultation(s) and that you are solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions and results, now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided by WTCF, and you agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation.

    WTCF’s role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, commitment and follow-through. WTCF cannot predict nor guarantee you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive.

    As a Participant you hereby release Way The Crow Flies and associates from any liability, including personal injury, accident, or any physical, mental or emotional condition that may result.  By purchasing a consultation(s) you have read the above agreements and terms and further certify that you are a voluntary participant.

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